
Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Short Function Text

Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

1. Announcement

      - The Purpose = to inform the person concerned
2. Invitation
    - The Purpose = to invite
3. Advertisment
    Sell Persian Cat, Little Dog, Rp. 5.300.000,00( NEGO)
- The Purpose = to offer something to buyer
4. Greeting Card

 Greeting Cards functions as an expression of sympathy and care to others.
The purpose is to congratulate someone’ achievement, express sympathy on someone’s, and motivate someone on gaining achievement
5. short Messages
    From : 087757491614
       Jo,Tomorrow we have a lot of math assignment, what about study together in my house at 7 pm ?,  call me if you cant 

- The Purpose : To receive the important messages
6.  Letter

Dear Tigger,

I never thought that I could ever love again but you came into my life 3 months ago and showed me that I can. I have never been as in love with anyone before as I am with you, every day you bring something new. You make me laugh and have never made me cry. Without your love I would probably die.

I promise you this, from this day forth: I will love you forever - don't' ever doubt that. I will never want anyone else's touch but yours; you make me feel like I am the only woman in the world. You are the only man in the world as far as I am concerned. You are my heart and soul. I feel as though we are meant to be together, that we have been brought together by God. I have always believed that I had a soul mate out there and I am sure that is you, I see it every time I look into your eyes and I feel it when you hold me in your arms. Baby, my sweet baby, I love you.

Yours always,

   Dear Tigger,

I never thought that I could ever love again but you came into my life 3 months ago and showed me that I can. I have never been as in love with anyone before as I am with you, every day you bring something new. You make me laugh and have never made me cry. Without your love I would probably die. 

I promise you this, from this day forth: I will love you forever - don't' ever doubt that. I will never want anyone else's touch but yours; you make me feel like I am the only woman in the world. You are the only man in the world as far as I am concerned. You are my heart and soul. I feel as though we are meant to be together, that we have been brought together by God. I have always believed that I had a soul mate out there and I am sure that is you, I see it every time I look into your eyes and I feel it when you hold me in your arms. Baby, my sweet baby, I love you.

Yours always,

Dimaz Yudha - 5/29/2013 10:55:00 AM

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

The Legend Of Surabaya City

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

Once upon a time, in the waters of East Java, Live two wild animals, Sura and Baya, two animals against each other, every meet, they always fight, both animals have the same power, they often fight for the prey, although two animals This disturbing the tranquility of the other animals, none have dared to break up the two animals
A time when the two animals are bored fighting, they finally agreed to terms,
"Hai Baya, I'm tired of fighting with you," said Sura
"You say true, what should we have to do ? ," said Baya
"What if we divide the area of ​​power, I have power fully in the water, all the water to prey on my part, you were in power in the ground, and all the prey in the ground is yours," said Sura
"Well sura, I agree with the proposition," said the Baya
Since then, state become more peaceful, serene life but it did not last long.
Sura several times looking for prey in the river, not in the ocean, and the crocodile was finally caught Sura looking for prey
"Hi sura, dare you enter area of power," said the Baya
"This area of ​​power, this river there is water, this means the county," said Sura
"Sura, the river is water, but this country," said the Baya
The second animal was insistent, until finally there was a fight, finally, a fierce battle going on, they are fighting tooth and nail, the loser had to leave the area, in one attack, sura be able to bite the tail of baya, baya had replied, and pounce tail sura up nearly severed, finally sura was screaming in pain, and back to the ocean
As stated above, the local people gave the name of the area by the name of "Surabaya", taken from world, Sura and Baya

Difficult World

1. Live = Hidup
2. Although = meskipun
3. tranquility = ketenangan
4. Divide = membagi
5. proposition = Pendapat
6. Insistent = Bersikeras
7. Battle = Pertarungan
8. Replied = membalas
9. State = keadaan
10. Ground = Darat

Moral Value = not want to win themselves, and better solve problems with a cool head.

Dimaz Yudha - 5/18/2013 07:12:00 PM

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

The Fox And The Turtle

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

For want of a better meal, a starving fox captured a turtle, but then could not manage to break through the solid shell in order to eat it.
“You should try putting me in the water for a while to soften me up,” suggested the shrewd turtle.
This sounded like excellent advice to the fox. He carried his prey to the stream and immersed it in the current. The turtle, who was a superb swimmer, slid out of the fox's paws and re-emerged in mid-stream laughing, “There are animals who are even more cunning than you. Now you'll stay hungry!”

Moral Value : As much as any issue, can certainly be faced with a sense

Dimaz Yudha - 5/16/2013 05:50:00 AM

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012


Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

# wednesday, 10 october 2012, at 04.00 pm
    last wednesday, i was very Happy, because I found a wallet containing money in the        street
# Thursday, 11 october 2012, at 05.00 pm
    on thursday, i was very happy, because I got good value in mathematics
#  Friday, 12 october 2012, at 05.00 pm
    on friday, i was very happy, because I got 90 values while the social science subjects
#  saturday, 13 october 2012, at 09.30 pm
     on saturday, i was very happy, because I can play football with my friends on the field
#  sunday, 14 october 2012, at 08.00 am
      on sunday, i was very happy, because today the school holidays, and I can rest at home
# monday, 15 october 2012, at 03.00 pm
      on monday, i was very sad, because I lost my pocket money
# tuesday,16, october 2012, at 09.00 am
      i was very happy,  because the value of information and communication technology   replicates me, got good value
#  wednesday, 17 oktober 2012, at 03.00 pm
     i was very sad, because I got value under the minimum graduation criteria 

Dimaz Yudha - 10/28/2012 06:49:00 PM

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Firnanda Is My Best Friend

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

I have a best friend, his name is Firnanda Firnanda lives in kedungrejo, rowokangkung, lumajang, He is student in junior high school 1 yosowilangun, He is in 8 A Class

He was Born in Lumajang, 1 august 1999, Nanda Is Handsome boy, he has brown skin color, black hair, pug nose and thick eyebrow His favorite food is instant noodles, favorite drink is coconut ice and his favorite game is to play volleybal

Dimaz Yudha - 10/09/2012 02:13:00 PM

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

Tiga tahapan bayi dalam rahim

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Dalam Alquran dipaparkan bahwa manusia diciptakan melalui tiga tahapan dalam rahim ibunya.

"... Dia menjadikan kamu dalam perut ibumu kejadian demi kejadian dalam tiga kegelapan. Yang (berbuat) demikian itu adalah Allah, Tuhan kamu, Tuhan yang mempunyai kerajaan. Tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) selain Dia; maka bagaimana kamu dapat dipalingkan?" (QS. Az-Zumar: 6).

Sebagaimana yang akan dipahami, dalam ayat ini ditunjukkan bahwa seorang manusia diciptakan dalam tubuh ibunya dalam tiga tahapan yang berbeda.

Sungguh, biologi modern telah mengungkap bahwa pembentukan embrio pada bayi terjadi dalam tiga tempat yang berbeda dalam rahim ibu. Sekarang, di semua buku pelajaran embriologi yang dipakai di berbagai fakultas kedokteran, hal ini dijadikan sebagai pengetahuan dasar.

Misalnya, dalam buku Basic Human Embryology, sebuah buku referensi utama dalam bidang embriologi, fakta ini diuraikan sebagai berikut: "Kehidupan dalam rahim memiliki tiga tahapan: pre-embrionik; dua setengah pekan pertama, embrionik; sampai akhir pekan kedelapan, dan janin; dari pekan kedelapan sampai kelahiran." (Williams P, Basic Human Embryology, 3. edition, 1984, s. 64.)

Fase-fase ini mengacu pada tahap-tahap yang berbeda dari perkembangan seorang bayi. Ringkasnya, ciri-ciri tahap perkembangan bayi dalam rahim adalah sebagaimana berikut:

Tahap Pre-embrionik
Pada tahap pertama, zigot tumbuh membesar melalui pembelahan sel, dan terbentuklah segumpalan sel yang kemudian membenamkan diri pada dinding rahim. Seiring pertumbuhan zigot yang semakin membesar, sel-sel penyusunnya pun mengatur diri mereka sendiri guna membentuk tiga lapisan.

Tahap Embrionik
Tahap kedua ini berlangsung selama lima setengah pekan. Pada masa ini bayi disebut sebagai "embrio". Pada tahap ini, organ dan sistem tubuh bayi mulai terbentuk dari lapisan-lapisan sel tersebut.

Tahap Fetus
Dimulai dari tahap ini dan seterusnya, bayi disebut sebagai "fetus". Tahap ini dimulai sejak kehamilan bulan kedelapan dan berakhir hingga masa kelahiran. Ciri khusus tahapan ini adalah terlihatnya fetus menyerupai manusia, dengan wajah, kedua tangan dan kakinya. Meskipun pada awalnya memiliki panjang 3 cm, kesemua organnya telah nampak. Tahap ini berlangsung selama kurang lebih 30 pekan, dan perkembangan berlanjut hingga pekan kelahiran

sumber : http://www.republika.co.id/berita/dunia-islam/khazanah/12/02/15/lzf9y9-mukjizat-alquran-tiga-tahapan-bayi-dalam-rahim

Dimaz Yudha - 7/26/2012 10:58:00 AM